martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009

Self Evaluation of my academic year

This time I will write about my academic year,
should have been the last, but failed a class in second year, therefore, I must be another year in college. Now, I'll make a self evaluation of this year, the different classes and academic life in general, as well as the classes that I enjoy most and which I consider most useful. Overall it was a relaxed year, not taking too many classes because I dont want to leave only one class for next year.

The first half was good, got good grades and I could study in peace. This year wasnt rough for the student movement, several years ago that there was a first half so quiet. I enjoy the rural anthropology class and structuralism. Besides, with less branches I was much better able to understand and read the contents of each course .

Second half was different, between September vacation, holidays and field work is difficult to study constantly, is difficult to study constantly, forget the things studied and is necessary to study again each time that one returns from an activity, to hook up again. So It has been difficult, weeks of vacation and field work relax you, but there is little time to end the year. This semester I enjoy Economic Anthropology II and Rural Anthropology II, also the English class, because is relaxed and allows me to practice and re-examine things I had forgotten.

Finally I hope to finish well this semester, I'm not really very motivated, the organization of this semester has not been the best and I have not achieved a constantly rhythm of study. I still have many things to do, a work for tomorrow (which I have to hurry), another who was to be delivered yesterday and several more by the end of the semester, plus the final tests. Well, college is always like this, but I feel that now I need sleep more than before, I remember in first year spent sleepless nights and then went out to party, now I see it nearly impossible.

I hope that everyone can finish well this hald and my congratulations to those classmates who are licensed this year, have been good years.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Fabian.

    Good ideas. Still, the structure is a little weak. You missed some subjects. If you are interested, find out about "Run on sentences" on the internet to improve your sentence structure.

    This is the marking criteria.

    Task: All aspects of the task are very well handled. 3 points

    Lexis: Good use of lexical resources /Coherence generally well handled. 2 points.

    Grammar: Grammar is adequate despite minor errors. 2 points

    7 points. Grade: 5.5


